Windows need regular maintenance because of the extreme temperatures and seasonal changes they face year-round. Without regular maintenance, replacing your windows may come sooner and unmaintained windows can also take a toll on your heating and cooling bills.
Therefore, the best way to get your windows to last is by maintaining them routinely. According to Facilitiesnet, your windows should be inspected yearly. All inspections should be done keeping your windows in mind because every window handles the elements differently.
The interior surfaces of the window should be examined first for stains and rot, meaning water is leaking into the interior. Next check the fit of windows to see if any gaps have occurred between different components of the window, since these can change sizes when exposed to different elements. Also, open and close windows fully to see how easy they are to use. Difficulty opening a window could be a sign of warping. Examine caulking and seals between the windows and the finish on the windows as well. If you have wood windows, make sure to check for rot and decay.
For more detailed information check out Facilitiesnet.
At Exterior Specialties of PA, we are here to make your decisions easier. Our extensive knowledge and experience provides you with the comfort of knowing the job was done right. Call us today for a free estimate.